Yesterday, I went on a hike with my dad and brother. It was nice to get out of the house. Soak up some sunshine. That’s dad’s silhouette in the illustration. As anyone knows, it’s a weird and terrifying time. Being stuck at home I’ve spent some of my time playing Animal Crossing, cleaning, studying Japanese, and working on art. It’s been nice, but oui, I miss going to work. Or for that matter, anywhere public. Hopefully, things get better soon. Realistically though, I think it might be a while…
Today, the weather is a bit dreary where I am. I’ll be connecting with some friends to play Dungeons and Dragons online using the Roll20 website. It’s been a fun way to get a dose of social activity. I’ve been doing a few illustrations of my friends’ characters, which I’ll add to the bottom of this post. Animal Crossing has been a surprisingly fun method for social activity as well. Traveling to my friends’ islands and seeing how they’ve crafted their digital zen garden has been a joy.
Moving forward I intend to keep doing what I’m doing. It’s my hope to take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JPLT) and pass the N2, (second highest level.) But I have a lot of work to do, as I struggle with the language, especially grammar at the moment. I also intend to increase art production, as I would like to create sellable art pieces and/or start a Patreon and/or an Etsy shop. I’ve made a lot of progress working through anxiety that seems to come when I try to make art. Breathing more, listening to music, and thinking less has been what’s working. Here are some results: